Wedding Supplier: Make-up by XY (HMUA) - The Adventures of Ate Chechebells meta name="title" content="The Adventures of Miss Chuchubells"/>

A little note

A little note

Wedding Supplier: Make-up by XY (HMUA)

A few months ago I posted about my prospective HMUA here. I finally made a decision to book Xyrene.

Sisteret Xyrene is a Girl Talk find, she is one of the first suppliers that I contacted in April this year and I actually chatted with her in FB, we instantly hit it off as if we had known each other for years hahahaha you guys should see our chat its like 1k + messages . I hadn't booked her yet but she is willing to give advices (she even offered to help me haggle with other suppliers), answer my thousand and one questions even those not related to HMUA. I was at ease with her, you could actually feel that she is a sincere person.

OK, dont get me wrong I did not book her just because she is nice (but that does have points) and all but she is also one talented lady, here are some of her works.

 Natural, radiant brides! If these pictures are not enough to convince you how talented she is, In June 2013 during the We're Engaged Bridal Fair her group was awarded the Top Booking Award for HMUA.
It was just sad that I was not able to meet her then, I was in Manila for some wedding preps I had a attack of Tamadithis (lazzyness).

But we still kept in touch once I came back to Singapore and our chat times continued.

So, why only now did I book her? Well anyone planning a wedding would know this, its all about schedule. Me and Jowaness wanted to finish our Ceremony and Reception payment. So when it was done I quickly informed Xyrene, got her bank details and remitted our DP.

Yahoo!! am now officially an XY Bride.So excited so be able to sit in her makeup chair...hmmm? now makes me wonder if it could hold me. (note to self: Be serious in my diet thingy..no more ice creams)

I just love her, that might be weird for some...but not me! You do know that women have this instinct we would know when you meet a new BFF and I found one in Xyrene.

She was surprised when I told her that I would write about her in my blog, she just said I haven't even done anything yet, which I replied.. a talented and nice person like you should be shared to the world! such humility am not surprised why a lot of people loves her (including me!) and no wonder this lady is going places, slowly but surely she is already making a name in the industry, so happy for her!

There's one thing more that I love about her...she loves red lipstick too!!! I just cant wait to see her in March!

Make-Up by XY
Ms. Xyrene Eugenio
Contact Number: 09062555056 / 09257911919
Email: makeupbyxy@yahoo.com 
Facebook: Make-up by Xy
                 Xyrene Eugenio



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