Happy Tummy: The Soup Spoon Union - The Adventures of Ate Chechebells meta name="title" content="The Adventures of Miss Chuchubells"/>

A little note

A little note

Happy Tummy: The Soup Spoon Union

I was down with a flu this week and like everyone else I hate falling sick especially if the doctor gives you 2 days leave to stay at home and rest. It was not my normal sickness wherein I could just work it off, I did not have a choice I stayed home for 2 days which really sucks!!! So when I received and email about this new concept from soup spoon I had to ask Kuya Pau to go during the weekend I have to have my sweet thing fix, I've been craving for something sweet for weeks usually it would go after eating my favorite Hagen Daz  but it did not which again sucks hahahahahha.

So its Saturday off we went to Raffles City. The Union is located at the basement of Raffles City its a all new quick serviced restaurant serving The Soup Spoon, The Hand Burger, The Soup Broth Asia and The Mill Press Brews.

What did we have

For starters, Kuya Pau got Clam Chowder, half Ceasar Salad and Iced Tea. Clam Chowder is one of our favorite at Soup Spoon although the past year we had noticed that their taste is not consistent we tried the Bugis, Raffles City, Ion and Forum Kuya Pau likes the one in Forum so he was not keen in ordering it from RC but then he is hungry so he had to try it.

The Clam Chowder was bland for Kuya Pau taste bud, he still prefer the one in Forum even the iced tea that came with the meal was also not into Kuya Pau's liking it was not Iced Tea-y.


Tummy Says:
Next was our order from Hand Burger, this were the reasons why we went out on a Saturday.

Kuya Pau's 2nd was Portobello Market from their Famer's Brunch Menu, well Kuya Pau loved this he loves Portobello Mushroom it was grilled nicely oh, the grilled peaches are heaven it melts in your mouth and grilling it does brings out the flavor.

Tummy Says:

As for mwah, I got the THE UNION’S SOUPERBREAKFAST, no judgement please I did not have any dinner the night before so I have this big appetite hahahahah (excuses!!) How could I start? Well I just love it, if you're a carnivore like me this would be the perfect breakfast bacon and a sausage yummy!!! The bacon was not salty just enough to get your morning fix the side dishes beans and mushroom was the perfect compliment :-) oh!!! and the bread was soft, you could eat it by itself.

Tummy Says:

 Next to end our meal and the main reason why I dragged Kuya Pau

This was the reason LUXURIOUS RED VELVET WAFFLES I thought they forgot about this, we had finished our meal and it havent arrived, the server was nice enough to inform us that there was a glitched in the system and that it would be served soon.

We loved the grilled bananas ( I think anything grilled is good hahahah ) The waffle was crunchy although the beet flavor was not that prominent. Sadly, it did not stop my craving :-(

Tummy Says:

They serve the Farmer's Brunch menu WEEKDAYS (MON-FRI) 9AM TO 11.30AM • WEEKENDS (SAT-SUN) 9AM TO 3.00PM`

The Soup Spoon Union
Raffles City Shopping Centre
Basement 1 Unit 61



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