Let me start by saying that this will be a long post, full of my pictures, so if you are not into reading an over-detailed Browhaus Singapore Brow Lamintation review, you can stop now, hahaha, or you don't want to see tons of my photos, it's also a reason to leave. 😂😂
If you are still here reading, brace yourself for I am about to tell you my eyebrow story.
I was not into my brows only until recently. I am the type of person who loves to take selfies or photos. Guess being a blogger and a small Youtuber, maintaining a pleasant look is a must. Which again, didn't take it seriously. You could go through my blog post and watch my old videos on my Youtube Channel, and you would understand what I am trying to say. Hahaha.
And here where my younger sister Chiqui will come into the picture. She was the one who pointed out my not groomed eyebrows. She kept on reminding me that I have to fill in the sparse spaces that I have, which the lazy not to be bothered me ignored.
Until one day, I sent her my usual going to work selfie, and she, with good intentions (yah right!), sent it back to me with emoticons pointing out my ungroomed eyebrows.
So I tried and failed miserably, no photos here, hahaha but trust me when I say I tried.
And as they with practice, you get better, and I even went to have it waxed at the Benefit bar at Sephora now and then, but this new obsession with my brows skills went to another level. I will take around 15 minutes to do them every morning. And will be stressed, for I can't get them to be symmetrical. I am aware that eyebrows are supposed to be sisters, not twins.
But mine most of the days won't even be 1st-degree cousins. hahaha Thanks to my friends who points it out on a daily basis. Yup, I send morning selfies to our group chat.
Yes, I might be overreacting here, but there will be morning wherein I need to choose between doing my eyebrows or eating breakfast, and eyebrows will always win, hahaha.
I think I was watching a video on Youtube where she went for brow lamination. Oh, this will be great for me.So Google to the rescue found out that Browhaus offers Brow Lamination service. I did some research and read reviews on their services, and most of them are positive.
So what is precisely a Brow Lamination? Brow Lamination is a brow perm that lifts, sets, and styles
your brows to hide small gaps for a fuller, thicker appearance that can last up
to 4 weeks. SOLD!
Check out their FAQ HERE
But then the price is somewhat steep, and I don't want to spend $160. Luckily they have a promotion for a single session trial. You could buy it from Beauty Emporium for $ 48.00. This Brow Lamination service includes brow tinting and brow
tweezing. You could buy the voucher HERE.
After payment, you will receive an email with the voucher code and a link to book your appointment with Browhaus.
I had trouble booking online, for when I tried to key in the voucher code, I will get an error message. I sent an email to Browhaus customer service and received a reply on the same day. (Impressed!)I went to my appointment at Browhaus Wheelock Place on time. The staff was accommodating and friendly. When my Therapist arrived, she ushered me to her station to start the process. The place was clean. She made sure that I am comfortable with my laying position, for I have to be on the chair for 80 mins.
I came from work that day, so I already had my brows filled in. She cleaned it up and ready to start.
My Therapist was friendly. She will be explaining what she is about to do, which I appreciate, for I don't want surprises.
The 3-step Brow Lamination process went smoothly. Eyebrows prepped with cream before being brushed upwards to fill in small gaps and define arches. Once brows are in place, a neutralizing cream will be applied to keep them in full position. The final detail, an undercoat, is used.
My packaged included tweezing and tinting. Throughout the brow lamination procedure, tweezing is done. My Therapist kept on informing me that it is normal to feel a twinge of pain when she was tweezing my eyebrows. And that since I like to shave to groom them, there are hairs that will be painful to remove during the process.
When I say painful is, you could feel the hair being pulled out, so I just kept on telling myself this mantra which my late mom and some friends always remind me... "tiis ganda," which literal translation is "for the sake of beauty" hahaha weird right?
Tinting was done after the Brow Lamination.
I love how my brows turn out. There is some redness. My Therapist informed me that it is normal and that it will subside the following day.
You could notice that there is already a mark on top of my eyebrows. She did mention that it is due to a tool that she used to carve out my eyebrows, and like the redness, it will be gone the following day.Guess they were wrong. The following day I woke up to my eyebrows having a cut like marks. And when I wash my face, I will get a stinging feeling in that area. Let us say it was painful. At this stage, I should have done something, but again I thought it will subside since its just a day. So I let it be.
This day got me worried, for the marks are more prominent, and it was on both of my eyebrows. My sister and hubby were also concerned and kept on asking what happened. I just assumed that it was due to the tweezing. And it was still painful when I wash my face or even touch the area.
On the 3rd day after treatment, the marks started to dry and scrab marks began to form. I should be thankful that it didn't get infected, but I was worried that it might leave a permanent scar after healing.
The next day, the marks are more prominent, although you could see that it has started to heal. But it made me curious about why it happened. I sent an email to their customer service with photos. I asked them what could have caused this reaction.
On Wednesday, I finally was able to go out. The marks are still visible, but I did cover it up with a concealer, for I don't want to get unnecessary stares, hahaha. I do love how my eyebrows look once it's combed in placed and tinted by using a brow gel.
On the 7th day, the scabs are gone, but it left a mark. I was joking with my sister, saying that at least the next time that I need to draw my eyebrow, I will have a template to follow 😂😂.
On the same day, I received a call from their customer service about the email I sent out on Monday.
She informed me that she sent my photos to their training department to find out what caused my marks. She mentioned that there are some incidents similar, but mine was worse 😭😭. And the effects are caused by the tweezing procedure that was done (over-tweezing, I guess).
Then she proceeded to inform me that they will be giving me a store credit of $ 48.00 and a sample size of their ICE cream to help fade out the marks. I then informed her that I will be blogging about my experience, and she said it's okay.
A week after the treatment, the redness has healed, but there is still a visible mark. Hubby and I also went to Browhaus Wheelock's place to collect the sample ICE cream, and I was able to talk to the manager. I was informed that it could be due to the tweezing and that my Therapist should have asked me if I was comfortable during the procedure. I told her that the Therapist was friendly and that she did inform me that I could feel some discomfort, so when I felt a pain, I just brushed it off, thinking that it was just average. Again here is where the "tiis ganda" mentality applies. 😂😂.
Overall, I do like how my Brow Lamination turned out. My eyebrows are fuller-looking and easy to style, and it only takes me 5 mins from 15 mins to do my eyebrows on fleek routine. 😂😂
To maintain your eyebrows, they would recommend you purchase their Undercoat Lash and Brow conditioner, and it's $ 65.00. Not sure if you will be able to get this FOC when you pay full price for the Brow Lamination. I used this every morning after washing my face and at night before I go to sleep.
You could get away with just using the undercoat, but I love some extra on fleek eyebrows, and I still have some space in between my eyebrow hair. I've been using the Essence Brow and Lash mascara to help it in place. The Benefit (mini) Gimme Brow gel for some color and Goof brow pencil to fill in those spaces.
So now the question is, Will I go back and do my Brow Lamination with Browhaus again? YES! Even after the mark incident. I am a believer in second chances 😂😍.
I love how their customer service assisted me from my booking an appointment and with my feedback.
The staff in Wheelock place from the counter, and the Therapist are friendly. I would even book the same Therapist for I just feel comfortable with her.
In some reviews, you will be able to read that some negative comments on how they hard-sell their packages.
They did try to sell me their packages, which I understand, for I used to work on both the service and retail industry. Did they hard sell to the point that I felt being pressured? Nope! When I declined and told them that I need time to decide. Both the counter staff and my Therapist understood. Honestly, I don't buy packages, BUT I might go for their Tinting +Thread and Tweeze package in the future.
So the next question. Will I recommend the Browhaus Brow Lamination? Yes, although the procedure itself is pain-free. Just remember that it is tweezing involved and that where the pain and irritation might occur, they did mention that mine was an isolated case, but you still have to be cautious. At any point that you feel any discomfort, please let your Therapist know.
I do hope that this post helped you. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. And if you do decide to try their services, their details are below.
Browhaus: https://www.browhaus.com/browlamination/
Beauty Emporium: https://beautyemporium.shop/
Till my next beauty adventure, remember to be courageous, kind, and a blessing to everyone you meet.
Stay safe, and keep safe!
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