30 Daily Instagrammable Quotes (Life Lessons: Advice from an 80-Year-Old-Man) - The Adventures of Ate Chechebells meta name="title" content="The Adventures of Miss Chuchubells"/>

A little note

A little note

30 Daily Instagrammable Quotes (Life Lessons: Advice from an 80-Year-Old-Man)

Hi there!!! I haven't been writing for quite awhile now been months actually, have been busy with my Youtube channel, yes!! I did join the bandwagon hahahahaha.. I do have my reasons and I will share it with you guys soon..all I can say now is. It's part of my 5-year plan 😘. 
Anyways let's get into my post. Last Saturday I accompanied my students to a workshop.
And somehow my age was bought up hahaha, and one of them said that I am old hahaha, of course, I told them that I am 45YO and I am proud to be old, one of them asked why? I cheekily answered that with age comes wisdom and I went into this monologue explaining to them that how when I was their age adults will be giving me pieces of advice and being young most of the time I will just brush it aside hahahahah...lesson here young people that they do know what they are talking about, so listen to them and take notes hahahahah... and yes I know you young peeps will also brush aside this advice hahahahaha, as the oldies will say "been there done that"
Why do I adore old people, they maybe grouchy at times but they do have this wisdom that they are so willing to share, maybe I am in a point wherein sometimes I hear my Mom or Dad from the words that I say to the younger ones...another point here, one day you will be saying things that your parents used to say to you, yes this is a shocker but it's true hahahahahah
So that's that reason why this post came about, some time ago I did come across an article about 50 Life Lessons From An 80-Year-Old-Man
I know it's 50 life lessons but I decided to just choose 30 since this is a one month worth of instagrammable quotes that you could share. I got the pictures from Pexels and some are personal pictures of mine.
Hope you enjoy these and maybe get a little life lesson from what an 80-year-old man that I do believe still make sense today. You are free to use these quotes to share on your social media by just right clicking on the photo and save the image or you could download everything HERE

I don't know who is this man but he does give good sound advice. What do you think? What is your favorite?
So, till my next adventure remember to be courageous, kind and a blessing to everyone you meet. mwah!!! 



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