DIY Project: Free Missalette Cover - The Adventures of Ate Chechebells meta name="title" content="The Adventures of Miss Chuchubells"/>

A little note

A little note

DIY Project: Free Missalette Cover

This is so typical of me, thinking that since am on a school holiday I would be able to update my blog entries regularly :-) well I just proved myself wrong and got a new nick name from Mr Carbon... Bumbelina!!!

Well, I was not bumming the whole time hahahhaha I was able to finalized our invitations for our overseas guests, sent our Save The Dates and as the tittle of this entry states :-) I was also able to finalized our Missalettes and our Missaletter cover and am to excited

So what was so exciting about this? Firstly it was an emotional ride as always when I was editing the Missalette that Our Lady of Mt. Carmel writing our names and reading it made me nervous hahahah plus! a mega emotional me was when I was writing the "In Memory" part haiz!!!!
Well, this also has a comedic part. I asked the "one who can't be named" to check our Missalette not being a Catholic she was asking me a lot of questions and reacting to almost every part of the ceremony. But I do have to thank her for she did an awesome job checking the punctuation and spaces :-)

If you're looking for prayers for our Filipino Customs this site is a big help.

And another part that I loved was that I accidentally learned how to use Adobe!!! hahahahah and I tell you its awesome fun. I was able to make not 1 but 5 Missalette Covers and am sharing it to you guys!!!

The covers are in PDF and PNG file and I also included our Missalette which you could all download HERE .

I know the designs are simple but these is my first time using Adobe.. to keep in touch more FREEBIES!!! to come soon :-)

Any suggestions of what you want?



  1. Thank you very much for the free misallete covers... Though I'm also challenged to learn Adobe like you.

    God Bless!

  2. Thanks a lot for your free missalettes cover!!! <3 God bless!


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