If i had Thor’s Mjölner for a day, what would i do with it? (Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World) - The Adventures of Ate Chechebells meta name="title" content="The Adventures of Miss Chuchubells"/>

A little note

A little note

If i had Thor’s Mjölner for a day, what would i do with it? (Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World)

I am lucky to have a younger brother who is an avid comic book collector, magic card collector and gamer from young. He would be saving his pocket money to buy his things, so even if am the girly type am quite familiar with Marvel's character because of him (this also made me look cool hahaha).

So it was not a surprise that we also loved all the movies about the Marvel's Heroes, so just imagine my excitement when I found out that the new Thor Movie sequel is coming out on the 31st October, Kuya Pau showed me the trailer way back.

What I find interesting about the new movie aside from seeing Chris Hemsworth is how the relationship of Thor and his brother Loki would evolve, am a sucker for 2nd chances I just hope the Loki would be able to redeem himself :-) and lastly the hopeless romantic in me can't wait to watch Thor and Jane story unfold it broke my heart when Thor was not able to come back to earth when he destroyed the bridge.

So now, this question:  If I had Thor’s Mjölner for a day, what would i do with it? I could come out with some cheesy answer like use it to save the world to get rid of bad people but Thor is already doing it, I won't in my wildest dream take it away from him and besides I can't imagine myself in a Thor costume :-)

So let me tell you in Miss Chuchubells way,

Use it to smack those BFF coackroaches - I am scared of those creepy crawlies.

 Use it to crack open crab claws - Who does not love eating crabs? 

 Use it as a meat tenderizer - I love cooking, so this would come handy, It would cut down my cooking time yay!!! cooking steak for Kuya Pau would be a breeze!!

Use it to hammer to hit nails in the wall to hang pictures - It's about time that I display my pictures all over the house.

 Use it as a nut cracker - Ok, I know I have mild arthritis but I just cant say so to those nuts.

 Use it as a Door stopper - Isn't this cool you don't need to worry that the door would accidentally closes on you coz Thor’s Mjölner would not budge ( see the 1st Thor Movie when they tried to remove it, it was hillarous)

That's just some useful things that I could think of, How about you? What would you do with Thor’s Mjölner?

See you at the movies!!

"Catch Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World” in Singapore cinemas this 31 October 2013! For more updates, like the Official Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World Singapore Facebook Page, and subscribe to the Official Marvel Singapore YouTube Channel!”



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